Mister Brazil is Mister International 2007!

The 28-year-old contestant from Espumoso, Rio Grande do Sul state, won the judges’ votes at the conclusion of the 2nd annual pageant that took place from Sarawak Chamber Ballroom. Alan is a banker and model who hopes to become a great actor and international model.
MISTER INTERNATIONAL 2007 was chosen by an international panel of celebrity judges which included: President of the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association Singapore Galen Hogan; President of Society Atelier Sarawak, President of the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association Malaysia and internationally renowned designer Edric Ong, Radio Personality Jennifer Lau; Indonesian renowned designer Wayan Widiatmika; Model Agent Melinda Omar; Inter-Tourism player Audrey Wan Ullok. International Artist and Sculptor from Ireland, Daf; internationally renowned artist Ramsey Ong .
Throughout the two-hour event, the contestants competed in three categories: swimwear, evening wear and interview. During these competitions, the Top Five Finalists were selected before the crowning. MISTER INTERNATIONAL 2006 Wissam Hanna crowned his successor at the conclusion of the two-hour pageant, before an estimated viewing audience of more than 1,400, followed by worldwide viewing audience via the Mister Singapore Organization Web site www.MisterSingapore.Org.
Final Results:
First Runner-up: Mister Korea Oh Jong Sung will assume the duties of MISTER INTERNATIONAL 2007 if the Titleholder for some reason cannot fulfill his responsibilities.
Second Runner-up: Mister Greece Aristotellis Spyridon Bolovinos
Third Runner-up: Mister Venezuela Alberto Garcia
Fourth Runner-up: Mister Lebanon Bassel Abou Hamdan
Rest of Top Ten: Mister Costa Rica Berni Madrigal (6th), Mister India Dhawan (7th), Mister Latvia Armands Berzins (8th), Mister Singapore Gabriel Goh (9th) and Mister USA Jacob Hill (10th).
- One Men Show Photogenic Award: Mister Venezuela Alberto Garcia. The press photographers voted on the contestant who exemplifies great looks through the lens of a camera.
- MSO Congeniality Award: Mister Guatemala Gudiel Osberto Rivera Mansilla. The award reflects the respect and admiration of the contestant’s peers, who voted for him as the most congenial, charismatic and inspirational contestant.
- MSO Spirit Award: Mister Brazil Alan Bianco Martini Malgioglio. This award is presented to the contestant selected for his outstanding qualities such as character, sportsmanship, achievement, personal growth, and a willingness to promote the positive aspects of competition.
- National Costume Award: Mister Lebanon Bassel Abou Hamdan. This award is presented to the contestant who displayed his country’s pride and spirit best in costume.
- National Director Award: Rafael Robert Delfin of the United States. This award is presented to the national director selected for his outstanding leadership qualities, and a willingness to promote the pageant in his/her country.
The Mister Singapore Organization, producer of the MISTER SINGAPORE and MISTER INTERNATIONAL pageants, is an international company that advances and supports today’s men. Utilizing its nationwide grass roots infrastructure, the Mister Singapore Organization is committed to increasing awareness on childhood cancer by forging relationships with organizations committed to research and education, such as the Singapore’s Children Cancer Foundation.
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