A New Crown for Miss Universe 2008

The crown, valued at $120 thousand dollars, is made of 18K white and yellow gold. It is comprised of over 1,000 precious stones; including 555 white diamonds (30 carats), 375 cognac diamonds (14 carats), 10 smoky quartz crystals (20 carats) and 19 morganite gemstones (60 carats). The colors of the jewels chosen for the crown have great significance. The yellow luster of the gold represents the prosperous thriving economy in Vietnam. White, light pink and cognac are the main hues in the crown which represent inspiration and feeling.
“The Miss Universe crown is one of the most revered pieces of jewelry in the world,” said Paula M. Shugart, President of the Miss Universe Organization. “We are very excited to have partnered with CAO Fine Jewelry and Jewelry by Rosalina to create this year’s crown.”
“The curved design creates a natural rhythm and a stable structure for the crown, symbolizing the spirit of unity. The crown combines the beauty and the character of each nation, accomplishing the goal of the pageant, which is international unity,” explained designers Ms. Kim Lien and Rosalina Lydster.
I prefer the Mikimoto crown!
I prefer the older crown, that people like Michelle McLean, Chelsi Smith etc wore. I believe it was from the International Gem and Jewelry Show.
according to wikipedia.. this crown will be used only for this year's event. the mikimoto crown will be used again next year.. =)
OMG what an ugly crown. It looks so cheap and tacky, like something they crown a high school queen with, not Miss Universe. I didn't like the Mikimoto crown but this is worse! They keep changing the crowns, there's no continuity. Donald Trump is selling Miss Universe tradition to any sponsor who has the money to buy history. Boooo!
I hope the company goes back to the Mikimoto Crown or even the original crown. This new crown is a local pageant crown. It doesn't matter how may diamonds are in it, it does not show elegance to the winner. It seems with all of the money cuts they decided to skimp on the crown. That is very dissapointing to all the litte girls who want to be Miss Universe and see that little crown. Bring back Mikimoto PLEASE.
I compete in pageants and I have crowns that look better than this! Why do the winners not get to keep their crowns and get tiny tiaras in return? Miss america keeps her crown, why not miss universe? And the crown that Dayana won for venezuela is much bigger than universe crown, The bigger the pageant the bigger the crown. Bring back the old crown it was gorgeous!
i hate the new crown. it looks cheap. bring back mikimoto crown, please!!!!!!!!!!
As a costume designer specializing in showstopping glamour, I must say that this new crown looks absolutely pathetic, and is just plain wrong for a pageant of this calibre.
I don't care how much they spent on the gold, diamonds and gems; this crown looks lightweight and much more in keeping with a high school's homecoming queen than a pageant that purports to crown the most beautiful woman in the world.
Even the Mikimoto crown leaves a bit to be desired, compared to the huge crown that was used until the Mikimoto crown replaced it. If you're running what's arguably the biggest pageant in the world, your crown should be big and flashy and dramatic. Nothing airy or lightweight will do.
Donald Trump, of all people, should know how important it is to make a big, flashy statement. It would appear that, once again, a sponsor's dollars overwhelmed common sense.
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