Miss Iraq 2009 - Meet the 20 Official Contestants

Miss Iraq 2009 Beauty Pageant will be held on March 17 and will be organized by Talat Model Management. Titles to be at stake are Miss Iraq 2009, Maiden of Beauty, Queen of Grace and Teen Queen. Jessica Kadoorie, the reigning Miss Iraq 2008 will crown her successor at the event.
Meet the 20 Official Candidates:
Meet the 20 Official Candidates:
Yael Shlomo
17, 173m.
Adelina Shuker
19, 170m.
2nd year Art student
Alina Sholet 21, 178m. Iraqi Military Intelligence | Anna Horesh Baher 21, 180m. 3rd year Journalism student | Aure Amulf 23, 170m. Public Relations |
Corina Moshe Haim 22, 180m. Model & Secretart | Gal Mukamel 17, 175m. Student | Galit Sharabani 21, 173m. 3rd year Law student |
Ilana Herdoon 23, 175m. Hotel Receptionist | Nadia Aslan 19, 173m. English Literarure student | Rania Agassi 21, 173m. Art Gallery Receptionist |
Sandra Sassoon 18, 170m. 1st year Interior Design student | Shani Ben Noah 18, 180m. Model & Gym Instructor | Shimona Gabay 22, 175m. Lifeguard |
Shemrit Shemtob 21, 176m. Hairdresser | Sivan Shashora 21, 176m. Ballet Dancer | Tamar Sofer 18, 173m. Receptionist |
Yania Harun 21, 176m. Lifeguard | Yael Yadgar 22, 175m. Model & Gym Instructor | Zeena Zahawi 23, 173m. Fashion Design student |
Zeena Zahawi was crowned Miss Iraq 2009
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