Fabio Nogueira Vaz, Rondonia - Mister Brazil World 2010 Candidates

Mister Brasil Mundo 2010 Contestants
Mister Brazil World 2010 Delegates

Mr. Rondonia
Name: Fabio Edson Nogueira Vaz
Age: 24
Height: 1.86 m
Hair: brown
Eyes: green
Occupation: student of banking and business administration
Languages: basic English
Perfume: Jean Paul Gaultier
TV: Saturday Spectacular

Fabio Edson Nogueira Vaz, Mister Rondonia 2010, studied business administration and works as a model. Its ambition is to become internationally known in the fashion world. While studying and working, the Mister Rondônia mesh daily in order to maintain good form.

The favorite dish of the candidate of Rondonia is shrimp risotto. Fabio Edson Nogueira Vaz enjoy going out with friends for dancing on weekends, or just shoot the breeze. You appreciate nature and want to be elected Mister Brazil to have more voice in the fight to preserve the Amazon rainforest.

mister mr brazil brasil world mundo rondonia fabio edson nogueira vazmister mr brazil brasil world mundo rondonia fabio edson nogueira vaz

Mister Brazil World 2010 / Brasil Mundo 2010 Contestants


"To God be the Glory".