Contestants of Miss Guam Universe 2010

miss guam universe 2009 racine manley

Miss Guam Universe 2010 beauty pageant will be held on June 30 2010. Miss Guam Universe 2009, Racine Manley (photo above) will crown her successor at the end of this event.

The winner will be the representative of Guam at the Miss Universe 2010 contest to be held on August 23 at Las Vegas, Nevada.

12 stunning candidates of Miss Guam Universe 2010:

miss universe guam 2010 delegates

aisya oner miss universe guam 2010
Aisya Oner

heather manley miss universe guam 2010
Heather Manley

jasmine asuncion miss universe guam 2010
Jasmine Asuncion

jeanece flores miss universe guam 2010
Jeanece Flores

josephine bueno miss universe guam 2010
Josephine Bueno

lalaine mercado miss universe guam 2010
Lalaine Mercado

marika perez miss universe guam 2010
Marika Perez

meghan lannen miss universe guam
Meghan Lannen

naomi leon guerrero miss universe guam 2010
Naomi Leon Guerrero

natasha guerrero miss universe guam 2010
Natasha Guerrero

rommelyn garganera miss universe guam 2010
Rommelyn Garganera

vanessa santos miss universe guam 2010
Vanessa Santos

* Vanessa Siguenza Torres wins Miss Universe Guam 2010


"To God be the Glory".