Nikeda Jalisha Griffith | Miss Barbados World 2010 Candidate

miss barbados world 2010 nikeda jalisha griffith

Miss Barbados World 2010 Beauty Pageant

Name: Nikeda Jalisha Griffith
Age: 20
Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 135 lbs

Educational Background: Lester Vaughan Secondary, Lodge School secondary, Quality Control And Computer Services,(Certificate in Office Technology), Weaver High School USA - High School Diploma, University of The West Indies - pursuing a Bachelor of Art in Psychology.

Occupation: STUDENT - University of The West Indies - pursuing a Bachelor of Art in Psychology

Aspiration: To be successful in any future endeavours I may have. To own a business that I am passionate about.

Philosophy: Nunca cambie el color de que usted es Never Change the colour of who you are!

Hobbies: Reading, Listening to music on my iPod, using the computer, talking to new people and socialising being a social butterfly.

* Miss Barbados World 2010 Candidates


"To God be the Glory".