Homeless & Jobless Blair Griffith, Miss Colorado USA 2011

miss colorado teen usa 2011 blair griffith homeless jobless

Recently crowned Miss Colorado USA 2011, Blair Griffith has been homeless for several months. Moreover, she is going to be jobless next month. However, she will still represent Colorado in Miss USA 2011 beauty pageant according to Colorado’s 9News reports.

The 23 year old beauty queen together with her mother were evicted from their home last November — a month after winning the pageant. They’re staying with a family friend after a series of setbacks, including her mother’s heart attack and major surgery that caused financial troubles.

What’s more, Blair Griffith, a magna cum laude graduate of the Art Institute of Colorado, will be out of a job next month. She works at Saks Fifth Avenue, and the store is closing. Still, she keeps herself composed.

“I hope people will see this and realize, ‘Wow, she is a real person,’ or ‘Hey, I didn’t think there was someone out there going through something similar to me,” said Griffith.

It was her father who encouraged Griffith to take a shot at beauty pageants when she was younger. His early death from prostate cancer encouraged her to enter the Miss Colorado Teen USA. After much persistence, she paved the road for her future success by winning on her fourth try.

Blair Griffith will compete in the Miss USA competition in June 19.

Watch Video of Blair Griffith story:

* Miss Colorado USA 2011 winner is Blair Griffith


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